The journey Begins

Well as the new year has begun so has a new journey in my life. I am coming up on the 4th year since my last cancer treatment and all is well, kinda. the fact of the matter is I'm going crazy, trying to live on a fixed income and stay healthy has it's draw backs. The 1 is not enough money to do much of anything.

So, what does this have to do with woodworking you ask. Well everything, for one I love working with my hands and keeping me busy is a major plus. The second, is I love working with wood. So put the two together you get a new journey and learnig experience. I have done some woodworking for friends and have craved a few love spoons for family members in the last few years and had the big , "DUHHH why did I not do this before" moment.

So bear with me and follow along as I stumble down this new road of life and feel free to share the wealth of knowledge you all have with me.


  1. PS: you mite ask why call my self The Fluffy Woodworker. Well I'm a big guy and a very talneted comedian named Gabriel Igleisas who coined the phraze I'm not fat I'm fluffy. There are 6 levels of fatness (Big, Healthy, Husky, Fluffy, DAAAAMMMMM, Oh HELLL NO!!!!!). Hopefully he will not mind if I use it here. As I am a fluffy guy.

  2. Good luck man. I can't wait to see more posts from you. If you have any questions or need any help let me know. Kgoold


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