Alive and kicking

Yes yes I know been forever since my last post well the short story is this lives been rough thing have not gone as planned ( like they ever do) and well just have not really had much to blog about.

Now the fun part the rant and bitch section. I love rwading others blogs watching your tubes etc. but, it is starting to really piss me off when in the back ground i see 5 Stanley number 7 hanging on a wall and you pull out a new Lie Nelson # 7 to use on your project i get the fact that you may have use the older ones before getting the new but my big bitch is how freakin many do you need? really!! guys like me who struggle to find even one worth the money or even find one we can afford see this and well it pisses us off. I have nothing against masking a buck but really you bought it for $5.00 at a garage sale you didn't need it and can afford the new stuff please leave it sell it give it away to those of us who not as fortunate as your self. just like the knowledge i know some of you paid to learn it and need to make a buck but in this day and age with the economy the way it is those of us who could put that knowledge to good use support the community as a whole and maybe be the next hand tool  .guy on YouTube etc. can afford $500 to learn how to cut dove tails or build a tool chest give us a chance give us a brake we need your help.

Mow you may say but Fluffy why should i give you anything? Well if nothing else do it because the only people that can afford your classes and tool resale are those who will not use it or pass it on to other there for the craft will die a slow death like so many other crafts have over time how much knowledge has been lost already make a living but be charitable also give to those who really wish to learn and do and maybe pass on to future generation the knowledge you have the tool you own, look at our for fathers they didn't own 20 #4 they had one one is all they needed any more was a waist and being greedy.

So work smart be safe and pass on what you have learned.


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