
Showing posts from March, 2012


Well the weather and my health have taken a turn for the better. The sun is shining and I feel much better, and I know I have not posted in a while due to there is not much to say, So maybe I will just say what is on my mind { warning bitch alter }. There is a saying that something is only worth what you are willing to pay for it and I agree so why are we { the country as a whole } willing to pay more for thing then they are worth. Is a gallon of gas really worth 4.00 is the car your driving really worth 30,000 the house you live in 2-300,000. do we need 2-4000 sq ft homes etc.. I know times are tough I for one have lived in the lower income bracket all my life so I have learned to do with less but the problem is I have no more to give. Due to health issues and the economy I now live on the income of what most people bring home in a week for the whole month and support 2 people on that income yes I do get public assistance but that has been cut back to less then 130 amon...